Create A Hawaiian Theme Event: #1 of 4 Beach Event Looks

May 01, 2016

You might be surprised to know there are at least four very different styles to aim for when you want a beach theme event.

In this first in a series of four blog posts, we'll look at the four most representative beach theme event styles, starting with Hawaiian.

This is bright and colourful, with an emphasis on greenery and flowers.

Hawaiian parties look great with 70s maxi-dresses for the (female!) guests, and floral frangipani crowns as accessories or guest favours, but you can tone it down if you wish with slightly more faded colours. Keep gold decor under control!

Popular decorating items include pineapples, hibiscus, surfboards, leis, palm fronds, monstera leaf placemats, frangipanis, bamboo straws and of course, candles!

Chairs are either folding wooden, cane or bamboo. Tiffany chairs are too formal-looking for a Hawaiian theme and candelabras have no place here.

Next blog post: #2 Beach Theme Event Look - Rustic Natural